Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hanging Around Bali

So this amazing leg of the trip is coming to a close and I have spent an outrageous amount of time sleeping and relaxing in Bali. The sound of the waves (which are more like trucks crashing) 24 hours a day has a soothing effect that puts me at peace.

But alas I did manage to get out one day and visit the village/city of Ubud which features many of the things you come to expect in Bali and the tourist destination everyone is filtered to. It's pretty nice that you get a driver/guide for however many hours you need and they take you around for less than $20/hr. We were out for about 7 hours, 4 of those being in the horrendous Bali traffic, but we enjoyed the experience nonetheless.

Here's a few things from our outings...

One of the first things you notice about Bali is the extraordinary amount of temples everywhere you look. From small temples for a person or two, to massive ones for large ceremonies, you can't go very far without seeing a stone temple. We were able to stop by one on the way to Ubud and check our the amazing artistry that goes into these sites on a large scale.

Thanks to this one we've spent a fair amount of time eating and searching for food. The number one priority on this trip was finding suckling pig, with the most infamous served at Ibu Oka, made famous by Anthony Bourdain. Surely enough we found it and you can enjoy the pig and all the extras for about $6.

Tonight we had a great dinner at a little spot called Sardine.

The restaurant is actually located in front of a huge rice field that you can walk through.

There's no way a picture could do this place justice, but the terrace overlooking the field was gorgeous.

Cassava fritter

This fried cow skin was brought to us by a server at the W who told us about it in lieu of pork skin/rinds. No one believed him so he had some sent to our room the next day.

Unfortunately I couldn't bring myself to partake as the pieces still had the cow's hair on them.

So not a ton of time spent outside the W, but a great trip overall with some interesting views of a new country.

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