Sunday, July 3, 2011

Time to Fly - Travel Day

Packing down to the wire this morning, so no time to post. Very happy with my packing skills; one checked bag for clothes, one carry-on with only shoes, and one cool, slim-fit (oh yea, they exist) backpack with all of the electronics. No need to congratulate me, I'm already proud enough. Ha.

Chris is joining me for this leg of the trip and we made it to the airport on time and just arrived at JFK to connect to Madrid. We were both able to be upgraded for what will mostly likely be my only taste of first class this month, on the shortest leg of the month. Complaining??? No way!

Seeing this logo just causes a sigh of relief...

Starving before the flight so I had already ate, who serves a full lunch on a flight less than 2 hours?!? With a margarita no less! Oops...

Oh you'll be seeing a lot of these feet on random things around the globe this month, get used to it.

I was 10 days sober leading up to this trip, sabbatical goal = 10 hours. Over/under???

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