Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Starfish Bloo - Bali Dinner

The W just doesn't want to let us leave the resort compound so we stuck around for dinner last night. I heard a lot about their in-house restaurant before I got here so I was more than happy to check it out. Sadly, I was sooo hungry that I didn't even think to take pictures of all the food before we started eating. But you'll get the gist and also see what 1.8 million rupiah buys you!

We took a picture before dinner of this cool table and ended up actually sitting there!

Pre-dinner sunset

Prawn stuffed chicken wings

Smoked duck and mushroom eggrolls

The remnants of the Korean fried chicken. Delicious, the waiter compared it to KFC, certainly a disservice.

Mahi Mahi satay was my favorite, clearly the a chicken-roasted coconut salad.

This is allegedly a blueberry pina colada, pretty sure it was red beans when it came out though...

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