Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Long Day in San Diego

So we definitely hit the ground running today when we arrived in San Diego. After a quick drop-off at the hotel, we had lunch and headed straight to the San Diego Zoo. It was a dream of mine to go to this zoo since I was a little kid watching shows about it, and while I probably would've appreciated it even more at age 7, it was still awesome. Hands down the largest zoo I've been to and I didn't even bother taking too many pictures. Just wanted to enjoy the day and finally being here.

After the zoo completely dominated us for over 4 hours I came straight back to the hotel and went to bed before heading to dinner. We went to a Thai restaurant, Rama, that was recommended by the concierge and I thought it was a good pick, right up my alley. Check out a few pictures from the day and expect many more tomorrow.

You should know that I only take pictures of the "realest" animals.

Ok a baby giraffe is just cute.

 I was concerned that Fawkes wasn't going to be memorialized properly. (Only @sokojohn will understand.)

No joke, this was in front of nearly every exhibit! Don't worry zookeepers, I wasn't curious as to whether I could be bitten.

Later in the evening we headed through the Gaslamp Quarter to dinner.

Even the Rama menu was cool.

Dramatic entrance to the restaurant.

Ready to get our tour day started in the morning...

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