Thursday, July 14, 2011

Journey to Singapore

So today was the big day, and it was the whole day! Flew out of Wednesday afternoon and 24 hours later I've made it to hot, muggy Singapore at 2AM in the morning. The Tokyo leg was a little touch and go for a while, but I managed to maintain my sanity. Not much sleep all day so I'm probably about to crash in a few minutes.

But of course I took a few shots during the day to share, ending with this shot where you can see the heat outside the Singapore airport caused everything to fog up! Look on.

 Economy Comfort isn't touching this exit row space.

Made it to Tokyo. 13 hours down, 7 more to go!

This was after leaving Tokyo, and the cell phone camera shows its true colors. The moon was shining beautifully off the clouds and ocean. I thought it was stunning.

Everybody wants to be a model. Geez.

My baby is joining me on this two week trek. Let's do it!

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